Small Steps Lead to Big Change

Making Changes of all Sizes

Whether you're trying to make small changes to your routine, moving across the country, or starting a new career opportunity, varying levels of change will always come with their own set of challenges. Sometimes it comes unexpectedly, and in other cases, you are the one implementing the change into your own life. However, as we’ve seen in the past months, sometimes change is forced upon us. In either scenario, change is rarely instantaneous. When your usual way of life becomes compromised, we generally have an adverse reaction to such an event. As I’m sure others agree, change is great… when it happens to other people.

The Long-Term Impact

Daily habits, thoughts, and overall routine can affect your life in the long term. You could cause change to come into your life solely by the actions you're taking every day. An easy example would be not watching your finances properly, and over time, you realize you may not have enough money to pay your bills, which could lead to some scary changes in your life. Although this may seem easy to avoid for some, for many people, they don't realize it until it's too late. Furthermore, the choices you make will directly impact your life, and these choices will either lead to positive or negative change. 

Challenges of Maintaining Momentum

It's safe to assume that people have at least one goal that they're working towards. Whether big or small, each person will have to make a daily effort towards that goal or that change they were looking for. Even if achieving the desired change is easier for some than others, there is a level of daily momentum required to make sure you reach that goal. This can be an exhausting way to live, as it leaves you wondering when it will be your time to get what you want out of life. Most humans need some kind of reason to keep pushing, working, and moving forward. It doesn't take much motivation in most cases, but if you cannot see your end goal in sight, pushing on every day can be exhausting. At the end of the day, faith and belief in yourself are needed to see your desired change come to fruition. 

How to Celebrate Your Progress

Your life will be scattered with small wins, some so small they may seem insignificant to you. It's crucial to understand that celebrating those little accomplishments is more than necessary, as these are the steps that lead to the change you're looking for. Most people disregard small wins because they don't think it made any significant change to their life when in reality, this is the long-term impact we previously spoke about. Without celebrating and acknowledging those small wins, you would have a much harder time understanding how far your end goal is and what your next step should be. Additionally, it's ubiquitous for people to compare themselves to other people and where they are in life. This is another reason most don't celebrate small wins, they feel like it isn't grand enough to be celebrated, or there's not much to show for it. The truth is, it's all a part of your desired change, your life's story, and each stepping stone means something. It's proof that you're on the right track, and that should always be celebrated.