Posts tagged Leadership
Effective Communication - The Cornerstone of Leadership for Senior Executives

Effective communication stands as the cornerstone of successful leadership, especially for senior executives who are responsible for guiding organizations towards their vision. It is a dynamic skill that enables leaders to articulate a clear vision, inspire and motivate their teams, and build strong relationships with stakeholders.

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Opportunity, Responsibility, and the Impact Of Power

Power is a goal that many strive to gain. In a workplace, people have different levels of power. Leaders may use their power in a variety of ways, and informal leaders in an organization may also exert power in other ways. But what exactly is power? What kind of impact does it leave, and how does it connect with opportunity and responsibility? 

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Spotting Misunderstood Leadership Traits

It’s hard to find a one-trait-fits-all for leadership. None are always effective, and no one trait works the same in every situation. In the right hands, most approaches or skills can be highly impactful for a leader who truly understands their potential and can modify their approach to the situation at hand. However, when traits are misinterpreted or used incorrectly, they can have unintended consequences to the team and organization's detriment.

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The Downfall of Power Hoarding Leaders

Leadership is not about controlling or having more power than those below you in the corporate environment. In many cases, a leader who abuses their power over their team and organization will inevitably build a poor reputation within the industry. This can be demonstrated through high turnover, low retention, or difficulty filling open positions.

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Impacts of Effective Leadership Models

When leading an organization or place of business, the leadership methods in place must be as effective as possible and work fluidly. To employees, compensation, being respected, and proper management are critical, and these factors should be handled with the appropriate leadership style. With the right models in place, effective leadership can ensure that employees are motivated and productive, leading to better results for the organization.

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How Organizational Knowledge Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Organizational knowledge is a powerful tool that can be used to reach professional goals without having to rely on formal power. It is the collective wisdom and understanding of the organization, including its people, processes, and procedures. By understanding organizational knowledge, individuals can identify areas for improvement, find solutions to challenges, and facilitate successful change initiatives that can help teams reach their goals.

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The "Frontline" Of Your Data

It isn't uncommon for a business to use collected data to make vital business decisions, hopefully propelling the company forward. Upper management generally makes these decisions, but if they aren't educated on how the frontline operates, they may not be fully equipped to analyze the data correctly. This can lead to a misstep in decision-making, which can hurt the business in the long run.

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Rising to the Challenge of Leadership: Revisiting Kouzes and Posner Leadership Practices

I recently revisited the work of Kouzes and Posner and I’ve been considering the different meanings the simple title can take on. Is it the challenge (difficulty) of being a leader? Is it the challenge (opportunity) that we accept in becoming a leader? Is it the delicate balance of becoming, being, and evolving as a leader to the changing needs of our team, organization, and industry?

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Small Steps Lead to Big Change

Whether you're trying to make small changes to your routine, moving across the country, or starting a new career opportunity, varying levels of change will always come with their own set of challenges. Sometimes it comes unexpectedly, and in other cases, you are the one implementing the change into your own life. However, as we’ve seen in the past months, sometimes change is forced upon us.

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Leadership #NoFilter

When you think of leadership, how would you define a good leader? Many of us would use performative traits like: strong communication, excellent people skills, or being skilled in leading others toward and completing a common goal. While these are all things we hope to see on a leader’s resume, what would we want to see behind the scenes?

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Leadership Wants To Do What??

As a leader, one of the hardest things is having to stand behind an organizational decision that you disagree with. Perhaps it's having a different opinion about a big step forward or the frustration of always being five steps behind the competition. Over the pandemic I have frequently been hearing from leaders who are disappointed and even frustrated with their senior leadership.

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The Importance of Effective Leadership Skills

John Maxwell said, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

Employees look to their leaders for inspiration and guidance to get things done. Leaders should be beacons who illuminate the path to triumph and success. That said, leaders can only perform their duties effectively if they possess good leadership skills.

Good communication is one of the most vital leadership skills that any boss can possess.

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Your Unique Expertise

Occasionally, I'll meet with an experienced professional who is hesitant about including some of their prior experience on their resume or talking about it in an interview. This could be experience from a prior career in a different industry, maybe something they did 5 to 10 years ago, or a small business that they run outside of their full-time career. I can appreciate the concern of including things that on the surface may not seem relevant to an employer. However, I firmly believe that your unique professional experience is what makes you stand out from the crowd.

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The Importance of Travel Time

Pre-pandemic, most of our meetings were in person; however, once the pandemic arrived, this scenario flipped 180 degrees to where the majority of meetings were being held over applications like Zoom, Teams, and Webex overnight. While it may seem that only the modality of the meeting changed, we also lost something very important along the way: travel time.

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Stop Speed Networking

Please stop speed networking! It's not that I don't like meeting new people or the adrenaline rush of trying to do the impossible quickly. I love meeting new people and getting to know their story, their interests, and their hopeful destinations. I also enjoy experiences where I'm challenged to do difficult things in unusual ways. However, networking is not the time to be speedy.

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Being Intentional with Organizational Culture

Currently, 65% of American’s aged 45 and under rank organizational culture ahead of remuneration on their checklist for selecting employment opportunities. Personally, I favor a mixed culture approach – where there is a high degree of collaboration between employees – and where creativity and individuality are celebrated and encouraged.

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What Makes a Successful Leader?

If you took some of the world’s most successful leaders and dropped them all into completely new situations, some would be able to pivot while others simply wouldn’t (as the pandemic has readily shown us).

Successful leaders set up systems of accountability that apply to everyone, including themselves. They take responsibility for their actions and the consequences that occur as a result. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “to err is human.” It would be irrational for any leader to expect perfection from their staff or themselves personally. In my experience, successful leaders don’t dwell on mistakes. Instead, they focus on developing action plans to mitigate the consequences of their mistakes.

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